New Dead Project + Tyrell'S Owl Social Cold Tour vol. 2:
05:23 - Szeged, Club Noir
05:24 - Becse (SRB), R. C. Floyd - w/ANALIZATOR
05.25 - Novi Sad (SRB), Drustveni Centar - w/KALO
Tyrell's Owl is a Neocrust band from Budapest, Hungary formed in 2010. The songs combine d-beat power, slower and faster hardcore, harsh noise: an elegiac chronicle of the dark times when we constantly have to struggle to survive as humans amongst a society of robots organized by the bosses. This is intense, defiant, dark music, but it is based in compelling melodies; you can scream these songs at the top of your lungs while running your daily distances, but you could also sing them quietly to your lovers in nightlong cuddles. The name of the band and its texts were both inspired by Philip K. Dick’s book “Do androids dream of electric sheep?”. Philip K. Dick was accurate about the future, our present, in his book written in 1966. We live in a time characterized by loneliness, lack of emotions, barren environment and prison-like houses.
NewDeadProject is a 4 piece punkhardcore band from Budapest, Hungary. Their songs are short, fast paced and melodic, avoiding boring verse/chorus song structures. NewDeadProject screams about the everlasting battle between passion and the daily grind, about desperation in an inhumane world and the hope that things can change for the better through tiny personal revolutions - nothing new in the punk genre but messeages that cannot be stressed enough.